Friday, July 03, 2015

How safe is your holiday? Is Luxor safe?

Do you worry about travel abroad?

You should listen to BBC Radio 4 Your and Yours

They did a phone in on ‘safe holidays’ and I did a prerecorded piece which appears in the first 15 minutes.

They contacted me after I sent this email.
"I have been facing the ‘is it safe’ question for some time now. I run a tourism business in Luxor, Egypt where I live, what with the revolution and various other incidents it is a question that we face all the time.

I think events of this week, France, Tunisia or Kuwait all on the same day, have shown that nowhere is actually safe.. Statistically you are probably more likely to die driving to the airport than on holiday in Egypt.

At the time of the failed Karnak temple incident in Luxor I had 19 outstanding bookings. Two thirds were archaeologists and of course very familiar with the situation here in Luxor so I was not surprised they weren’t worried and did not contact me. However I also did not get any cancellations from the third that were regular tourists. Actually I didn’t even get a single email asking about the situation.

I think this reflects my opening statement. The world is not safe and people just don’t let incidents stop them living their lives.

To go to a country AFTER an incident is probably the safest time.
Enjoy your holiday"

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